Run Your Custom Script Quickly with SSMS
What’ll happen If you right click on the table and select your script to execute. It’ll save bunch of time as well as stop you getting irritated
SSMS Tools Pack:
It is the best free Sql Server Management Studio(SSMS)’s add-in having lots of features like Execution Plan Analyzer, SQL Snippets, Execution History, Search Table, View or Database Data, Search Results in Grid Mode, Generate Insert statements from result sets, tables or database, Regions and Debug sections, CRUD stored procedure generation, New query template..etc.Website Link
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Suppose you want to see total number of records in different tables.1. Click on SSMS Tools > “Run Custom Script” > Options
2. Left side of dialog, Enter Shortcut ‘Total Records‘ and check Run checkbox
3. Right Side, Click on ‘Enabled On..‘ option and select ‘table’. It means this will appear on each table.
4. Enter following script
Select Count(*) from |SchemaName|.|ObjectName|
Here |SchemaName| and |ObjectName| are replacement texts. You can see available replacements options on ‘Replacement Texts‘ click.
Click on Save and OK button.
5. Now, Right click on any table > “Select SSMS Tools” > Run Custom Scripts > Total Records
You will get Total Records in result and no need to pass table name in query again and again.
Similarly, you can run your other custom scripts quickly. It is very helpful as a code generation tool. Let me know how you are using it.
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